Help in Preston is a website designed for the whole community in order to signpost everyone to the help they need.
It gathers information from a range of services from in Preston and allows more people to find the local support they need such as health and wellbeing, advice with money or homes stories from others.

LCS provide information, advice and a wide range of specialist support services designed to help Carers continue in their caring role for as long as they choose and reduce the impact the caring role can have on their own health and wellbeing.

Sahara in Preston provides employment support, training courses on a wide range of vocational and non-vocational subjects and advocacy support on social, economic and community matters.
Sahara is a voluntary organisation working predominately for the benefit of black and minority ethnic (BME) women and men.

The Foxton Centre is a Preston based charity with a long history of working in the community, supporting the vulnerable adults and young person. They mainly work with the Homeless, vulnerable women and the Youth.
Click Here for further information

The Salvation Army Preston runs an Emergency Food provision at their Community Centre.
For more information, please click here to take you to the website.

Noor Food Bank is a non-profitable organisation based in Preston who provide essentials for those in need.
Click here for more information.

Deafway are a UK registered charity supporting the Deaf community. Our headquarters are in Preston, Lancashire.
Click Here for more information.

Let's Grow Preston (LGP) is a community based charity that pulls together people and projects from around the city, allowing them to meet, share ideas and support each other.
The forum is open to anyone and hopes to encourage people to work together to grow a greener city.
LGP is currently developing a base in Ashton Walled Garden at Ashton Park and aims to use this site to provide support to the wide range of community environmental groups and activities in Preston.
For furtehr information, please click here to take you to the website.

For all your breavement support and services please click here for more Information.