Online Services


For viewing medical records, ordering repeat prescriptions, booking and cancelling appointments, as well as registering your organ donor decision


(No download required) This is for non-urgent admin and medical queries, such as updating your contact details and requesting FIT notes, repeat prescriptions


Please click this image in order to register with us online 


As a parent, family member or carer, you may be able to manage services for another person by switching to their profile. This is also sometimes called having a linked profile or having proxy access. It needs to be set up by a GP surgery where you and the other person are both registered.


Many services allow you to refer yourself, and there are many local services that are great for wellbeing please click the above image to see. 


Please click the above image to complete a short survey to provide us with feedback 

Abuse of the Online System

Abuse of the system includes, but is not exclusive to the following:

  • Sending needless or abusive messages to the Practice
  • Repeatedly booking and cancelling appointments 
  • Repeatedly booking appointments over a short period of time
  • Booking appointments and not attending them 
  • Any offensive or abusive messages through the service 
  • Requesting prescriptions that you do not need.



We take the security of your information very seriously. Our clinical systems provider ensures that the information you provide when using the online services portal is protected. 
Using the most up-to-date version of your web browser also improves security of information. Remember to close the browser after use, especially if someone else could access your computer.